Carmel Bird Theatre School
Previous Shows

1. December 2015 - 'In The Inn' - (Whole Theatre School production) - Studio
2. March 2016 - Puppet Theatre Show - 'The Three Little Pigs' (Infant production) - Studio
3. March 2016 - Puppet Theatre Show - 'The Princess & The Woodcutter' (Junior production) - Studio
4. June 2016 - 'Murder at Graythwaite Manor School'
Wilmslow One Act Play Festival - Winner of Best Junior Production
Wilmslow One Act Play Festival - The Sid Mence Trophy for 'A Piece of Theatre Magic'
5. July 2016 - 'The Cat & The Mouse' (Infant production) - Studio
6. July 2016 - 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' (Infant production) - Studio
7. July 2016 - 'Murder at Graythwaite Manor School' (Junior production) - Studio
8. December 2016 - 'What's In Store for Christmas?' (Whole Theatre School production) - Studio
9. April 2017 - 'The Spring Collection' - a medley of comedy, drama & traditional scenes (Whole Theatre School production) - Studio
10. July 2017 - 'It's In The Bag' (Whole Theatre School production) - Main Theatre
11. December 2017 - 'Little Red Riding Hood at Christmas' (Wed Junior production) - Studio
12. December 2017 - 'Where There's A Will' (Sat Junior production) - Main Theatre
13. December 2017 - 'The Blue Carbuncle' (Senior production) - Main Theatre
14. March 2018 - 'The Treat' (Wed Junior production) - Studio
15. March 2018 - 'The Spring Show' - a medley of sketches, monologues, jokes and poems (Sat Junior production) - Studio
16. March 2018 - 'The Party' (Senior production) - Studio
17. June 2018 - 'If You Go Down to the Woods Today' - (Junior production) Wilmslow One Act Play Festival
18. June 2018 - 'Twelfth Night' - (Senior production)
Wilmslow One Act Play Festival -Winner Best Youth Actor
19. July 2018 - 'If You Go Down to the Woods Today' (Junior production)
20. July 2018 - 'Twelfth Night' (Senior production) - Heald Green Theatre
21. December 2018 - 'In The Inn' (Junior production) - Studio
22. December 2018 - 'The Scrooge Twins' (Senior production) - Studio
23. March 2019 - Two Evenings of One Act Plays from Alan Ayckbourn's 'Confusions' (Academy & Senior production) - Studio
24. April 2019 - 'A collection of short plays' (Wed Junior production) - Studio
25. April 2019 - 'A collection of short plays' (Sat Junior production) - Studio
26. April 2019 - The Party' (Senior production) - Studio
27. July 2019 - 'The Princess & the Woodcutter' (Sat Junior Production)
28. July 2019 - 'Romeo & Juliet' (Sat Senior Production) - Main Theatre
29. July 2019 - 'The Princess & the Woodcutter' (Wed Junior production)
30. July 2019 - 'Murder at Toffington Grange' (Academy Production) - Main Theatre
31. December 2019 - 'Scenes of Christmas' (Physical Theatre production) - Studio
32. December 2019 - 'Beanstalk!' (Wed Junior & Wed Senior production) - Studio
33. December 2019 - 'Beanstalk!' (Sat Junior production)
34. December 2019 - 'Cinderella the Pantomime' (Sat Senior production) - Studio
35. February 2020 - 3 Evening performances of 'Murder at Graythwaite Manor School' (Academy, Senior & Physical Theatre )
Greater Manchester Drama Federation Winner of Best Youth Production 2019-2020
36. July 2020 - 'Melody's Party' (Junior video production)
37. July 2020 - 'Melody's Party' (Junior & Senior video production)
38. July 2020 - 'The View From The Window' (Senior video production)
39. July 2020 - 'The Condiments' (Senior video production)
40. December 2020 - 'The Super Six at Christmas' (Junior video production)
41. December 2020 - 'The Mystery of the Blue Carbuncle' (Senior video production)
42. December 2020 - 'The Christmas Party' (Physical Theatre video production)
43. December 2020 - 'Hotel - A Ghost Story for Christmas' (Academy One video production)
44. December 2020 - 'The Clown - A Ghost Story for Christmas' (Academy One video production)
45. December 2020 - 'Aunt Davinia - A Ghost Story for Christmas' (Academy One video production)
46. December 2020 - 'Hotel - A Ghost Story for Christmas' (Academy Two video production)
47. December 2020 - 'The Clown - A Ghost Story for Christmas' (Academy Two video production)
48 December 2020 - 'Uncle David - A Ghost Story for Christmas' (Academy Two video production)
49. December 2020 - 'Ghostly Poems for Christmas' (Academy Two video production)
50. February 2021 - 'GoggleBox' (Academy video production)
51. February 2021 - 'The View From The Window' (Junior video production)
52. February 2021 - 'The View From The Window' (Senior video production)
53. July 2021 - 'Twelfth Night' (Senior production) - Outdoor Theatre
54. July 2021 - 'A Day at the Beach' (Physical Theatre production) - Outdoor Theatre
55. July 2021 - 'Toffington Goes Wrong' (Academy One production) - Outdoor Theatre
56. July 2021 - 'Connections - a series of connected one scene plays' (Academy Two production) - Outdoor Theatre
57. December 2021 - 'Beanstalk!' (Junior production) - Studio
58. December 2021 - 'Where There's A Will' (Senior production) - Studio
59. December 2021 - 'Scenes from Christmas Day' (Physical Theatre production) - Studio
60. December 20212 - 'A Christmas Carol' (Academy One production) - Studio
61. December 2021 - 'A Christmas Carol' (Academy Two production) - Studio
62. April 2022 - 'A Wedding, A Bank Robbery & A Hole in the Road' (Physical Theatre production) - Studio
63. April 2022 - 'The First Easter Eggs & Other Stories' (Junior production) - Studio
64. April 2022 - 'Becky's Party' (Senior production) - Studio
65. April 2022 - 'Ella' (Academy One production) - Studio
66. April 2022 - 'Rosie & Ella' (Academy Two production) - Studio
67. July 2022 - 'Daughters & Pickles' (Junior Production) - Main Theatre
68. July 2022 - 'Romeo & Juliet' (Senior Production) - Main Theatre
69. July 2022 - 'Macbeth' (Academy One & Two Production) - Main Theatre
70. December 2022 - 'The Super Eight at Christmas' (Junior Production) - Studio
71. December 2022 - 'Cinderella' (Senior Production - Studio
72. December 2022 - Scenes from Christmas Day' (Academy One Production) - Studio
73. December 2022 - Scenes from Christmas Day' (Academy Two Production) - Studio
74. April 2023 - 'The Spring Collection' (Junior Production) - Studio
75. April 2023 - 'Ferrero Rocher' (Senior Production) - Studio
76. April 2023 - 'Connections - a series of connected one scene plays' (Academy One production)
77. April 2023 - 'Connections - a series of connected one scene plays' (Academy Two production)
78. July 2023 - 'The Fairytale Festival' (JuniorProduction) - Main Theatre
79. July 2023 - 'It's In The Bag' (Senior Production) - Main Theatre
80. July 2023 - 'Twelfth Night' (Academy One Production) - Main Theatre
81. July 2023 - 'Murder at Toffington Grange' (Academy Two Production) - Main Theatre