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Infant Drama
(ages 4-6)
Saturdays 9:30am-10:20am

Childrens Show

Time for your little performer to have lots of drama fun 


Our Infant Drama classes are lots of fun and will introduce your child to performance skills such as

acting, singing & dancing, as well as theatrical activities with puppets, masks , costumes and props.


Every week is different so the classes are always fresh and exciting.


The children take part in role-play, mime and group activities that will help to develop their

concentration, confidence, social skills and interaction as well as their performance skills.


There will be opportunities for family and friends to see how the children are progressing at

points throughout the year and all the children will perform in front of an audience in the Summer Term


 Saturdays 9:30am – 10:20am 


 CHADS Studio Theatre, Mellor Road, Cheadle Hulme


£84 for a full term / £45 for half a term

(Fees include all classes, rehearsals, scripts and costumes)


For a free trial session or to book a place

call or text Carmel on

0775 499 4916

or click below to e-mail 


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